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Refund Policy

  1. Refund policy: The scholarly follows these parallels towards refund policy.8.1) If the deadline is missed there would be no refund for the assignee for the order placed. We always deliver our works on time wherein this clause undermines the possibility of deviation 8.
  2. If any work is rejected there would be no refund entertained by the company.
  3. The Agency undertakes to process such requests in compliance with existing consumer protection legislation and contractual principles. The Agency undertakes to reach a fair resolution in all circumstances, taking into account fairness to both the Customer and the Principal.
  4. If the Agency agrees to refund the Customer in full or part, this refund will be made using the credit or debit card that the Customer used to make their payment initially. If no such card was used (for example, where the Customer deposited the fee directly into the Agency’s bank account) the Agency will offer the Customer a choice of refund via bank transfer or credit towards a future order. All refunds are made at the discretion of the Agency.